Li Yueling, who came to Yaochi Wonderland in the first three days, can be regarded as an eye-opener. In his view, Emperor Xianxing is already a super good place to practice. However, compared with Yaochi Wonderland in front of him, it is simply a world of difference, which makes him realize that he almost went to pick Jin Xian for three days to practice.


To tell the truth, although Li Yueling first came to Yaochi Wonderland, he had already thought of practicing here for a long time, which was almost a reaction to cultivate the truth.
It’s just a matter of time for the Emperor Cang to roll up the floating fairy Jinyun and go to the Queen Mother Yaochi. When a magnificent temple is now at the foot of Li Yueling, he is really shocked.
A huge temple built with ten thousand inclines of clear water is made up of many natural materials and treasures. Whether it is its appearance or its majestic potential, it is too small to compare with Yuqing Palace.
The Queen Mother of the West, also known as the Golden Mother Yuan Jun, is the female immortal Sect’s position among the immortals in the purple mansion. The jade emperor is second only to the Sanqing deity, and even the five old emperors who are the only immortals are still slightly inferior in their status.
If you want to enter Yaochi Shengfu, you must first pass through the Twelve Jade Buildings. Even if you come here with a noble status, you must abide by the rule of the Queen Mother of the West.
From a group of four people who are full of fairy clouds, jinxia and Cangdi, they floated into the famous Twelve Jade Buildings and turned to the pavilion.
A poet and painter dressed in colorful clothes and a foot-long jade fairy have been waiting here to see the Emperor Chi Di enter the temple in unison. This beautiful fairy Yingying has made a pilgrimage to the temple, and the two emperors and heavenly mothers have been granted special orders to come here, expecting to lead the way.
It’s already abrupt for us two old guys to look at the Queen Mother before coming here. It’s good for the Queen Mother of the West to be the most beloved fairy, even if it is the identity of Emperor Chi Di, don’t be polite. This shows that the Queen Mother of the West is in the purple mansion.
Of course, this is partly due to the fact that Chi Di, the emperor of Cang, has no approachable frame and is used to the Italian fairy. It’s not the first time that these two emperors have met, so it’s half an acquaintance.
Li Yueling is very curious about everything in front of him, such as the Italian fairy, the powerful fairy of the Queen Mother. However, he has made his front face reddish after a good look. Obviously, this Italian fairy has never met such a bold person as Li Yueling.
Li Yueling didn’t care, but was attracted by Yi Xian’s shyness, which made him even more curious. His modern personality didn’t have any scruples about revealing a letter and laughing. My younger brother, Fairy Sister, was named Cang Di’s younger brother, Li Shuang’s Yue Ling. My younger sister didn’t ask my younger brother, Qin Xiong, to be anonymous.
Even Emperor Cang didn’t expect that this disciple would come to such a skill. He didn’t stop it, nor did he persuade it, nor did he just hope with a wry smile that this clown disciple wouldn’t have any trouble.
Yixian has always been with the Queen Mother of the West, and has almost never been in close contact with the nearby male fairy. It’s something that annoys Li Yueling abruptly, but I don’t know that a sister’s heart is full of strange feelings.
It’s Emperor Cang’s adult’s love for disciples, and he saluted Yi Xianfu here, and turned towards Li Yueling Yingying, and moved the lotus trail lightly like a refuge, which led the way for two emperors, Li Xianyou and Qin Xianyou here.
Li Yueling, who responded to the moon, smiled as expected and immediately followed him. He looked directly at the pale emperor before casting a reproachful look at him.
The Twelve Jade Buildings are just a drop in the ocean of the sacred palace in the vast Yaochi. In a moment, the immortal should lead the way, and the Queen Mother Quexi of Qionghua is here.
Have not yet entered one of the Qingyin Qionghua Que, five hundred years ago, don’t say goodbye to the two emperors.
Hearing this, Emperor Cangdi Chi Di laughed in unison and was read by the Queen Mother. This time, it was abrupt. It was really disturbing to come here for many days to eat and drink for free.
The giant door of Qionghuaque, which is made of ten thousand Jin Xuan Tian Jing, suddenly has a soft light, and its diffraction makes the surroundings bright.
Li Yueling, the curious baby who followed the two emperors into Qionghua Que, finally got to see the true face of the Queen Mother.
In any case, the Queen Mother should be a kind-hearted and long-looking, but Li Yueling couldn’t help feeling amazing at the moment when the light was gathered in Qionghuaque.
Li Yueling never felt such a strong and amazing feeling even when she first saw Jin Nuanyu’s poems by Jiang.
Ask your heart that the heavenly queen is definitely the most beautiful woman that Li Yueling has ever seen. She can make Li Yueling, who has become a golden wonderland, feel beautiful and breathtaking.
Chapter three hundred and sixteen The Queen Mother II
Among the three heavenly realms, Qionghua Quejinzuo is the most distinguished Queen Mother of the West. The head plate is Taihua bun, and the waist is worn with a sword belt. The morning baby is crowned with mysterious phoenix boots, and the whole body is fragrant and beautiful.
On its side, there are two beautiful fairies in colorful clothes and a jade fan standing upright, which is also a myriad of gestures.
The vast Qionghuaque is wrapped in a layer of fairy mist, and the smell is refreshing.
At this time, Emperor Cang seemed to notice that Li Yueling’s gaffes and cuffs slightly brushed away the eyebrows of Li Yueling in a pure fairy.
I had a narrow squeak when I suddenly became sane. I hope my own talent will not be seen by the heavenly queen.
In fact, after entering Qionghua Pavilion, it was not Li Yueling who lost his mind because of the stunning appearance of the Queen Mother, but also Qin Yuan, who generally lost his mind when he first met the Queen Mother.

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