Unwilling to press Duan Yunyan to take a deep breath, Shu Er hooked his lips and smiled to outline a cold arc. What a thing you need to do.


Push the window, close your eyes, take a breath, smell fresh grass, and smile contentedly.
The girl walked in with a small heart and a new face, and behind her was a male brother. The wind waved at her. Do you want to go around the city with us?
When I heard I was going shopping, Xiao Xiao came. I’m in good spirits. I’ll be right with you.
Window, she was busy changing into a light dress, casually holding her hair and rushing to the sliding door, and ran out.
I’m worried about the fan poking outside. Hey, do you think this trick works? If we provoke the cabinet owner, we will be in trouble.
Feng Lao Shen is patting his chest. Don’t worry, I’m sure they will be cooked with uncooked rice this time.
Mark glanced at him with disdain and casually said, really? You promise. I can’t believe it. I’ve heard that you seem to be a baby.
Who said that the wind blushed and the neck was thick? I quickly denied the damn frost. This is a rumor. This woman is doing the right thing with me on purpose. I don’t know how windy it is. I told you that there are more women than fish in the Qing Hua River. I’m in bed. That’s right.
Before he can finish, put a hand over his mouth and shake the fan at the person behind him. Let’s go, girl.
Xiaoxiao ourtenant walked in a yellow dress. Her smart and elegant long hair was tied into a bun on one side at will, and she wore a small, simple and elegant shape.
The wind tore his hand like a carefree person and changed it into a frivolous prisoner. He didn’t want to dawn, but he quietly came to him and tried to laugh and ask you a question. You are really a fish.
The wind turned red in the face, and when he saw his reaction, Xiao Xiao couldn’t restrain himself from laughing, and he shook his head and knocked on his shoulder, and said to find a woman to end it.
The wind turns from red to purple, and I swear to you, woman.
Xiaoxiao laughed even more exaggeratedly. When she came to this different world, she forgot how long she hadn’t laughed like this.
Huacheng is very prosperous, and shops are lined with people shouting and selling along the street. Xiaoxiao is curious for a while. Look at that many new things for a while. She has never even heard of them. She can’t help but sigh that this ancient wisdom is simply not a cover for modern people. I don’t know that human wisdom can be replaced by the development of the times
Looking at her like a curious baby, the wind winked at the mark and motioned him to follow the plan. The mark bit his teeth clean, struggled and finally nodded reluctantly.
Howling two figure quickly disappeared.
Hey, look at this thing. Xiaoxiao is excited. Chapter 95 Behind Zheng.
Wind mark
Xiaoxiao was anxious to find them everywhere in the street.
Looking at her anxious appearance hiding on the roof, the two men could not help but hesitate.
Hey, I said, let’s go. In case something happens to the girl, the cabinet owner will kill people and worry that
The wind has also made it difficult, but I still bite my teeth. The original intention is that we will protect it here.
Xiaoxiao was tired and hungry. When he looked up, he saw a teahouse in front of him. He didn’t even think about it. He went in and ordered a pot of tea table-like snacks while eating, thinking that he had disappeared. They should also look for it.
But I have been waiting for nearly an hour, and I haven’t seen the figure of these two people. At this moment, the bartender came over and said politely that the girl asked if there was anything else.
He asked euphemistically, in fact, he wanted Xiaoxiao to check out and leave quickly.
Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly. I’m waiting for someone. Their horse will come.
The bartender looked at her as a runner all the year round. What kind of person can see Xiaoxiao without a glance? You don’t have no money to pay the bill, do you, girl?
Oh, how come? Xiaoxiao immediately looks like a rich girl. She lacks everything except silver.
At this time, the boss came over and looked at Xiao Xiao contemptuously. Well, let’s settle the account for the girl.
Suddenly a strange look gathered around, and diners could not help whispering that Xiaoxiao was a freeloader.
Xiaoxiao’s mouth twitched a few times, and the mark was scolded by two people.
The boss sneered that if a girl has no money, don’t come to the museum to see you dressed decently. I didn’t expect to do such a thing. We are all doing business to earn a little money to support our families. If we all meet you, we can’t drink northwest wind.
The boss made Xiaoxiao’s cheek temperature soar with irony. She slapped the table and just wanted to see a bag of silver thrown on the table.
payment for tea (in a teahouse)
The word "light" is too light to be true.

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夏日炎炎,阳光如火焰般倾泻而下,长沙这座千年古城在这炽热的季节里,仿佛化作了一片蒸腾的桑拿浴场。而在这座城市的心脏地带,洞庭湖畔,更是热浪滚滚,让人仿佛置身于一个天然的桑拿室。 洞庭湖,古称云梦泽,是我国第二大淡水湖,也是长江中游的重要湖泊。它犹如一颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在湖南的版图上,与长沙这座城市相依相伴。然而,在夏日高温的侵袭下,这片水域也变得炽热起来,成为了一片“热浪桑拿”。 清晨,当第一缕阳光洒在洞庭湖面上时,湖面便开始沸腾。微风拂过,带着一丝丝热气,扑面而来。湖边的树木在热浪的烘烤下,叶子微微颤抖,仿佛在诉说着夏日的炎热。湖水波光粼粼,闪烁着金色的光芒,但在这炎热的季节里,却显得有些黯淡无光。 午后,阳光达到最高点,热浪愈发猛烈。湖边的行人纷纷躲避太阳的炙烤,寻找一片阴凉之地。而洞庭湖上的船只,也变得格外忙碌。渔民们纷纷驾船出海,捕捞着夏日的丰收。此时,湖面上的热浪如同蒸汽一般,扑面而来,让人汗流浃背。 傍晚时分,夕阳西下,洞庭湖畔的景色略显宁静。然而,这宁静之下,却隐藏着另一番热浪。夕阳的余晖映照在湖面上,泛起一片片金色的涟漪。湖边的树木在夕阳的照耀下,变得愈发翠绿。然而,在这美好的景色背后,却是无尽的炎热。 夜晚,当夜幕降临,长沙的街头巷尾开始热闹起来。而洞庭湖畔,却依然是一片热浪滚滚。此时,湖边的夜市人声鼎沸,各种美食香气四溢。人们在享受美食的同时,也忍受着炎热的折磨。夜市的摊主们纷纷用扇子为自己扇风,而顾客们则纷纷寻找一处阴凉之地,躲避热浪的侵袭。 在这片“热浪桑拿”中,长沙人展现出了顽强的生命力。他们或漫步湖边,或乘坐游船,在炎炎夏日里寻找一丝清凉。而洞庭湖,也仿佛在诉说着这座城市的坚韧与拼搏。 夏日炎炎,洞庭长沙热浪桑拿。然而,在这片热浪中,长沙人依然保持着乐观向上的精神,用他们的热情与坚韧,书写着这座城市的故事。而洞庭湖,也见证了长沙这座城市在炎炎夏日里的繁华与辉煌。