Xiaowu is still looking for where the sound comes from. When he looks at the table, Xiaotian is so surprised that he points to his brother. The mouse can talk. Do you hear it?


Compared with Xiaowu’s thriller, Xiaowen is much calmer. Not only has he heard it speak, but he is also very impolite to sit beside him.
Xiaotian Xiaoxiao complained that don’t scare them.
I, Xiaotian, won’t admit it. Turn around and show her your ass.
Gee, don’t you admit that ordinary people will be scared to death when they hear mice talk? What’s worse, they are children.
Are you a normal person?
Hey, what’s wrong with my son?
Xiaoxiao Xiaotian here is bickering, and Xiaowu stares at Xiaoxiao for a while and Xiaotian for a while, but it’s just a sleep. The Kung Fu family has lost their parents, and the mouse has changed people’s mouths. The world is really fantastic.
Xiaowen glanced at his brother’s silence for a long time and said lightly that I believed her.
Xiaowu suddenly turned his head and his mouth has shrunk into an O-shape. It is as weird as it is. Brother Xiaowu has always been calm. How can he be said in a few words?
It seems that my brother is puzzled. Xiaowen thinks that you are desperate to save us when you see her. Maybe you will believe that the mother in Wangfu will never do that except beat and scold us.
Small arms are silent in a word.
Still bickering, Xiaotian’s furry pointed ears stirred up slightly, and he finally smiled at ease when he heard their conversation.
Aware of their silence, Xiao Xiao suddenly reacted, and the horse put on a loving mother and looked dignified. Xiaowen Xiaowu, you have nothing to eat. Mom will make it for you.
Suddenly facing the bride made the two brothers very uncomfortable, and they were all there silently.
Xiaoxiao smiled stiffly, but she was considerate and said that she didn’t want to eat now. Tell her if she wanted to eat before your appetite.
Two people still didn’t answer even eyes don’t turn to her side.
Xiaoxiao just squeezed a smile. Your poison has just cleared up. Have a good rest. Mom, let’s cook some porridge for you first.
Xiaotian shook his head. After all, it will take some time to tie the knot between two children.
Xiaoxiao just opened the door and tears came.
Children don’t accept her, she doesn’t feel wronged, but more and more responsible. It is because she didn’t do her duty as a mother that she let them live in hatred in Sai Han. She is not only ashamed of her two children, but also sorry that she didn’t take good care of their children.
what’s up
There was a soft but not clear sound above the head.
Oh, it’s nothing, Xiaoxiao. Don’t wipe your face and tears quietly. Hehe, the two little guys just recovered. I’ll cook something for them.
After that, he walked directly over him to the kitchen and looked at her. He frowned gently and walked back to the room.
Compared with Xiaoxiao Xiaowen Xiaowu’s attitude in the face of Duan Fei is much worse.
Duan Fei’s indifferent eyes swept through the two sons one by one, and his eyebrows were lightly lifted when he looked at Xiaowen.
Xiaowen also don’t lose aura with this sudden dad looked at each other for a long time.
Xiaowu is not so polite. He is smiling with his arms around him. How can you make us believe that you are our father?
Duan Fei turned his eyes and looked at this. It’s like a negative textbook. Children, you want evidence?
That’s right. Xiaowu nodded. Otherwise, I should trust you. Whoever says it’s our dad, we should trust my brother. Isn’t it busy to recognize dad? It seems that he can accept talking for a while, and the mouse can’t easily let another person take Duan Yishen’s place.
While Xiaotian sloped music.
This child, like Xiao Xiao, has always been cured of human nature.
Duan Fei’s head is tilted, and I want to be alone with them.
Xiaotian is very interested. It’s no problem. You really need to communicate well. He can’t help laughing when he thinks of a non-parenting picture.
All the noise in the room disappeared.
Duan Fei lifted his lips slightly and wanted evidence, didn’t he?
Of course, once Xiaowu nodded, even Xiaowen looked at him curiously.
He lowered his eyes and smiled gently.
Xiaoxiao took a few deep breaths at the door with freshly cooked porridge. Lou Xiaoxiao, come on, you will be a good mother, and there is no difficulty to beat you.
After I was hypnotized, she opened the door with a letter and a smile, and went in to see the scene in the room. Her smile froze completely.
Seeing Xiaowen Xiaowu’s little face hanging on the beam, no one dares to move. If he loses his balance, he will easily fall off.
While Duan Fei looked at Xiaoxiao in the light water stop eyes of the two.
Xiaoxiao hurriedly put things away, and his face is ugly than that of his son. How did they get there?
They want to talk to you. Duan Fei took Xiaoxiao’s shoulder and raised his head and said
One word is simple, the sound is not shocking, but it is almost disappearing.

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