Then the blue light was lashing out in Gang Shou’s four generations of Huo Ying, and at the same time, it was tightly bound by the secret technique Senluo Vientiane. Cross-country was coming to Gang Shou’s four generations of Huo Ying’s side, and the blade was sharp and the gun was relaxed. Four generations of Huo Ying’s Gang Shou Ji was free.


In the face of Banye Vientiane’s celestial attraction, the shadow of the foot followed the yin to escape the brand, and the spiritual energy output was off-road, which successfully made the shadow sewing technique take root in the ground. In this way, Gang Shou Ji and four generations of Huo Ying’s body were attacked by Banye’s eye-turning heaven and power.
But on the whole, Gang Shou Ji and the four generations of Huo Ying are still completely defeated in front of Ban Ye.
Even if it is the immortal mode, Gang Shou Ji has no ability to strike back in front of Spot Ye.
This is the terror of the God-level strong.
This is the horror of Master Ban’s fusion of the remains of heretical golems and his ability to make the Immortal mode hide from the occult.
And if you want to deal with Master Spot, you need to be a god-level strong person, that is to say, someone in the place can’t take part in this battle except cross-country. So since the god-level strong person must take a deep breath to deal with the god-level strong person, the cross-country vision is locked in Master Spot’s body, and then it is accompanied by a "bang" sound when it also shows dignified color in Master Spot’s eyes.
Mu dun mi Shu!
Mu dun sen Luo Vientiane is once again in front of the cross-country in the spot!
"Do you want to be so simple that you can beat me with wood-blocking and endurance?"
"Master Ban, you really underestimate me!"
Once again, the feet spread out and the heavy vines fantasized about tightly winding the cross-country Gang Shou Ji’s four-generation fire shadow body. Unfortunately, just as those heavy vines were just wrapped around the cross-country Gang Shou Ji’s four-generation fire shadow body with the secret technique of Banye Mu Dun, the cross-country original shadow sewing technique was used to deal with Banye’s eye-catching heaven and power shadow sewing technique, and some black tentacles were added, which quickly shattered the vines made by Banye Mu Dun Senluo Vientiane.
And it happened to be in the cross-country that the pupil in the eyes of Banye Mudun Senluo Vientiane was slightly tightened. With the outbreak of "Yuebu", it was an instant that came to Banye!
"Six paths of reincarnation!"
"Hungry ghost road!"
The body can’t touch the body of Master Spot, but the shadow of the cross-country body extends out impressively. Since the title of cross-country is Shadow Master in the forbearance world, cross-country is able to display all its secrets in the case of making the shadow escape. It is also because of this that when the cross-country shadow is connected with the shadow of Master Spot, the ability to be hungry directly makes the cross-country want to devour the physical energy and mental energy of Master Spot and see if its ability to be hungry can work.
And when the cross-country made the hungry ghost road ability invade, Master Ban impressively showed a shocking expression for the first time in the cross-country confrontation.
Hungry ghost road ability cross-country energy spot master can’t?
Nature is negative!
Master the reincarnation of six powers. Master Ban can also show the hungry ghost power. The hungry ghost power in cross-country is worthless to Master Ban. It is when Master Ban’s body energy and mental energy are out of control in cross-country hungry ghost power that Master Ban reveals that shocking expression.
Because it’s just the ability to compete for the hungry ghost inside the reincarnation six roads, the ability to cross-country hungry ghost is impressively beyond the ability of the hungry ghost inside the reincarnation six roads now. Nagato!
Not only can it devour chakra, but it can also devour the enemy’s body, flesh and soul.
Compared with the hungry ghost road of Nagato, the cross-country hungry ghost road shows more doubts about the nature of hungry ghosts.
But in a second, I saw that the physical energy and mental energy of Spot Ye will be swallowed up by cross-country in the body under uncontrolled conditions.
Suddenly, cross-country felt that a black shadow suddenly attacked in front of your face and landed heavily on your chest. Before cross-country could see clearly what the black shadow was, the cross-country body just flew out and hit the rear rock surface, which was barely stopped.
"What’s that?"
"I’m so happy that I can’t perceive what secret is Master Ban?"
At this moment, the cross-country suddenly encounters an attack. The strange situation is that it is very strange to have a strong perception of cross-country. On the contrary, the cross-country ability of Spot Ye was hit hard and flew out. Naturally, the cross-country ability of Spot Ye was broken, while the cross-country staring at the inverted flight was like guessing that it was impossible to resist the cross-country early. Generally, after the previous discovery that cross-country made the cross-country ability of Hungry Road amazing and slightly shocking, the corners of the mouth once again raised that faint confident smile.
However, it happened to be that confident smile that reminded Off-Road of the scene of Master Ban fighting with Nine bijuu in the original book of Huo Ying.
Because in Huo Ying’s original work, when Master Ban faced nine bijuu in forbearance, didn’t he say confidently that it would take just a few seconds to get rid of these bijuu?
Similarly, in the original book of Huo Ying, Mr. Spot was impressively beneficial to his own eye-turning. In just a few seconds, he hit nine bijuu in the forbearance world. At that time, nine bijuu faced the mysterious attack of Mr. Spot, just like it is now off-road, so there is no way to perceive it, and there is no way to see how Mr. Spot actually made a move.
Besides, cross-country now
It is precisely by virtue of the situation in the original book of Huo Ying that I know what kind of occult skills Ye Eye Spot used in his own confrontation.
beyond all doubt
At this time, the occult science taught by Master Spot is that only those who master the power of eye-turning can cast the occult science.
The secret name is
Round tomb prison!
If you want to crack it, you need to have a round eye or master six powerful people to crack the powerful occult arts!
"Turned out to be a round tomb prison? And I said, "
"The black shadow that just invaded gave me a little weird feeling!"
Chapter 763 A round of confrontation ()
Round tomb prison!
There is no doubt that in front of cross-country, Master Ban has once again unveiled his own card-the unique secret name of Rotary Eye, which can make the ordinary shadow-level strong people not even know how to die!
Generally speaking, the prison near the wheel tomb is not just a secret, but a world.
This is that only those who have the eye of the circle can enter the world, and in this unique world, if they hold the eye of the circle like a cross-country person, Master Ban can create a "shadow" in the world of the wheel tomb and the prison. Simply put, they can create two places in the world of the wheel tomb and the prison.
However, it is much more powerful to make the reincarnated person look like Master Ban to create a shadow in the prison near the wheel tomb, because the physical quality of the shadow is often beyond the body. Many times when making the shadow attack, Master Ban doesn’t need to make the shadow cast any secret skills just to attack.
In Huo Ying’s original work, when Ban Ye fought with Jiu bijuu, he was able to separate a "shadow" in the prison world near the wheel tomb because he regained a round of eyes. On the contrary, after a pair of eyes were deprived, Ban Ye was able to separate four "shadows" and launch an attack. I learned that the secret skill of Ban Ye was the secret skill of the wheel tomb, and when the pupils were slightly constricted, cross-country was to cast a yin dun brand, and I wanted to further enhance the perception of God’s joy and mind.
Because of the weakness of the prison near the wheel tomb, it is also mentioned in the original book of Huo Ying.
Generally speaking, there should be three weaknesses in the round tomb prison!
The first weakness is that cross-country can also be aimed at the side prison of the wheel tomb of Master Ban, that is, the things in the side prison world of the wheel tomb can be seen or perceived by people with round eyes, and they can also see Master Ban making "shadows" in the side prison world of the wheel tomb.
Nowadays, cross-country yin dun brand is the reincarnation of six gouyu forms, which means that cross-country is the mastery of six powers, and cross-country believes that you can see the shadow just flashed in front of you, and it is the "shadow" created by Master Ban in the world of cross-country prison.
It’s just that cross-country still hasn’t mastered the perception of the "shadow" method, and it’s only a little weak when Ban Ye confronts.
The second weakness of the prison near the wheel tomb
That is, there is a time limit for Master Ban to create "shadows" in the prison near the wheel tomb!
With this time limit, Master Ban can’t limit the round-tomb border prison.
Besides, the third weakness of the round-tomb side prison is that the "shadows" in the world of round-tomb side prison have a distance limit, which also limits the power of round-tomb side prison.
Otherwise, Mr. Spot may hide in a secret and assassinate him in the prison near the wheel tomb, so no one in the forbearance realm can come alive. After all, it is said in the original book of Huo Ying that unless someone who has mastered the circle of eyes or the six powers can perceive the shadow, how many people in the forbearance realm can master the circle of eyes and how many people can master the six powers?
So what if the circle eye occultism is not an enemy in the eyes of ordinary ninjas?
right after
It’s a pity to find that I didn’t seem to be aware of the world near the wheel tomb, and I didn’t even realize that Master Ban manipulated the "shadow".
The answer is actually very simple, because mastering six powers in cross-country is not perfect.
Or cross-country still hasn’t excavated the deep mystery of six powers.
It’s like when Nagato just got a round eye in Huo Ying’s original work, he can’t use all the occult skills, can he?

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