Finally, the sublimator kept on alert, but the black tree seemed to be activated, and the branches of the square crown danced like a master waving a large sword shadow cover at the sublimator.


The sublimator exclaimed, drew a sword, tinkled and barely resisted several branch attacks, but was still stuck in the thigh by a branch, which pulled the sublimator to half.
Its branches sweep like a sword, and this unfortunate sublimation will be greatly removed!
Blood rained down on the sublimation, and the body parts snapped off the floor. Finally, even the head rolled to the edge of the tree, and suddenly there was a bloody smell around the tree.
Even in the light ring, those branches plunged into the fragments of the sublimater’s body, and then a blood line gradually rose and spread from the top of the branches.
The sun made the scalp explode. This black tree sucks the blood of the sublime!
Chapter 212 Behind the scenes
"Let it all!"
LiuChen sound through armed Yang rang in the ears of all the people. Three generations of armed forces turned around and faced the black tree. Two rifles were all connected and spouted fire, and the gold pieces of solid warheads were blasted at the tree.
The black tree immediately gave the branches a shudder. Strangely, in the face of three-dimensional armed attacks, the black tree had no response at all.
In this way, "stupidly" let Liu Chen smash the middle!
When the trunk clicked and snapped, scarlet blood emerged from the trunk and flowed like a fountain, and in an instant, a blood depression had been formed.
Tianyang carefully went around to one side and saw that the fallen trunk turned out to be a heart-like organ. It was looming in the trunk, and the surface of it was covered with black hard skin and something like roots connected it with the trunk.
Although the black tree has fallen to the ground, the organ is still regularly encouraged, and when it bulges, the epidermis faintly lights up with yellow light.
Cage of will!
It turns out that this strange tree is also a kind of dark people, but even the younger brothers like Yunze have never heard of it. Obviously, it is very old and should be one of the old black people.
Tianyang pointed out that Liu Chen, a cage, took out a big titanium sword and stabbed it into the trunk before driving three generations of armed forces to explode the cage.
As soon as the cage was destroyed, there was a scream like a creature in the trunk, and then the surface of the black tree softened rapidly. On whether the trunk or branches were decomposed
Soon there was a pool of black mud on the ground.
Yun Ze took a deep breath. "I’ve never heard of this kind of thing. I didn’t expect it to be black people. Everyone should be careful. From its reaction just now, it seems that this kind of tree people can respond."
"And it should be within the sensing range, otherwise we would have been attacked."
Tianyang listened to himself and nodded. Yun Ze’s analysis was very accurate. It was after touching the black tree that the vampire tree people attacked.
Moreover, the blood-sucking tree people didn’t respond to the three generations of armed forces at all, and it was not broken by fire. From this point of view, Yun Ze concluded that the tree people only responded to creatures and could be established
Then Yun Ze ordered Liu Chen to really bear the road weight, and all the blood-sucking tree people who blocked the team’s way were killed by three generations of armed forces.
However, although the black trees have been removed a lot, the feeling of thinking and being bound has not disappeared
In this way, the perception of being suppressed should come from these blood-sucking tree people rather than something else!
Realizing this, Yang’s expression is dignified the day after tomorrow. It seems that there are also black people who know how to benefit from black fog.
When another bloodsucking black tree fell in front of the team, Tianyang couldn’t see any similar trees, but instead of trees, it was a blue carpet extending forward.
Once again, the reverse flora is particularly vigorous here. They occupy almost all of it. If you look closely, you will find that the surface of the flora creeps from time to time, and the fungi are close to each other, which is outrageous.
The flora seems unwilling to enter the territory of blood-sucking tree people, so they form a very clear boundary with the forest behind them
In front of this blue carpet, some sounds can be faintly heard, and there is an explosion or ability. Occasionally, the light will penetrate through the black fog and appear in everyone’s eyes.
Even so, the sound and light are too subtle, just like coming from a very far place, but in fact, it is not far from where Yunyang team just launched the signal flare.
Several human bodies were wrapped because of the sun in the crawling light carpet.
The flora was wrapped around them, and it seemed that they would parasitize the bodies. At this moment, one of the bodies actually moved.
It was a middle-aged man who held out his hand weakly toward Yunze to "help"
Yun Ze immediately shouted, "Help!"
Next to purples, I knew that I had the opportunity to play a role in a woman’s rank. The coat of arms lit up, and when I raised my hand, a large flame swept the flora.
The flora was immediately burned to a sizzling sound, and a large area of flora was immediately burned to black ash and purples, and a few fire waves of flora were released.
Soon the middle-aged man fell to the ground with three bodies beside him.
Tianyang and several other people hurriedly swept away and came to the middle-aged man. Someone carried the bodies away so that they fell into the hands of flora. Tianyang inspected the middle-aged man.
It was found that he was not parasitized by fungi, but his chest was hit hard, and his armor was trapped. Some fragments even plunged into his chest.
Yun Ze called a hunter who had rich experience in battlefield medical treatment. He quickly took out a first-aid kit and asked Tianyang to help unload the armor of the wounded.
A moment later, although the middle-aged man was still pale, he was much smoother than breathing.
Yun Ze knew he was his big brother when he saw his armor sign. When he saw his face softened, he immediately asked, "How is my big brother Yunyang?"
The man barely raised his head and said, "Master Yunyang has two ranks and four masters to protect him. There should be no danger to his life, but there are too many bacteria people. It’s a pity that we can escape while fighting, and a strange thing has just appeared in the bacteria people."
Tianyang’s face moved. "Is it a form piled up by flora?"
The middle-aged man nodded. "Right-to-right, our defensive formation barely blocked the bacteria attack, but suddenly the flora on the soles of the feet suddenly came alive, and they piled up together to form a monster and broke up our formation."
Tianyang suddenly broke up because of the formation, and this middle-aged person will be hit hard, while several others will become corpses.
Yun Ze was in no mood to ask for details, so that the hunters could take care of the middle-aged man, while others continued to push forward.
Coming out of the living area is a spacious passage, which is designed to support two base cars to move forward side by side.
Now this passage is also occupied by flora, but it was set on fire by purples for a while, and the flora on the ground of the passage retreated to both sides. They shrank the walls and exposed the marked ground.
Yun Ze ordered the team to pass through this passage quickly, although it was wide but not long. Soon there was a gate in front of it, and an orange flame suddenly exploded inside.
The explosion caused the ground to vibrate slightly, which made the already tense atmosphere more dignified.
"I’ll go and have a look first."
Tianyang lost this sentence suddenly accelerated and crossed Liuchen’s investment gate.
The door is a large warehouse, and rows of shelves are staggered, and things have fallen to the ground for a long time.
Around the warehouse, the reverse flora blue light sunlight saw a dense figure, and they surrounded the No.1 middle school photo like sharks that smelled fishy.
Team Yunyang!
Those figures are all bacteria, and the number of people is almost comparable to the migration scale of the wandering group!
At this moment, dozens of bacteria people suddenly played half, and a monster, which was built by the reverse flora, played half.
That thing is like a giant sand worm. When it was built by the heart flora, it was unexpectedly body form’s face patterns.
So from the distance of Tianyang, this giant worm is like thousands of faces glued together, emitting a strange and horrible smell.
The giant worm’s body twists and turns, and during this process, fungi are constantly scattered from the body.
It pounced on the crowd with a split head, like a flower in full bloom, and jumped on the Yunyang team!
On the verge of jumping into the crowd, suddenly the giant bug froze from its head and turned into an ice sculpture.
Some people in Yunyang’s squad roared one by one, and the aura rose like a storm. Tianyang saw a man rush out and dragged a gorgeous epee with both hands to sweep and split the frozen giant.

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