"Yuan Yuan’s eyes are watching that he will get married in a few years, and his family and army can also rule out loneliness for us after raising a dog."


"Dad, how old am I? What are you talking about? I’m not getting married." Wang Jiayuan blushed and stamped her feet.
"Silly girl is quick when she marries. It’s not normal for a woman to have a crush after returning to work. My aunt will help you." Ding Qiunan took Wang Jiayuan’s shoulder and said jokingly.
"Aunt, you also make fun of me." Wang Jiayuan was even more shy and buried her head in Ding Qiunan’s shoulder.
Li Chunai shook his head. What are you talking about? Where is the dog?
Chapter three hundred and seven Establishment
After sitting for a few minutes, my sister’s family left. Just wait for Wang Guyuan’s news from Li Chu.
After seeing off their sisters, Li Chu and Ding Qiunan washed them with a child in their arms and threw them into bed to let them sleep.
Two bedside, Ding Qiunan took her husband’s arm and leaned against his shoulder to watch the sleeping children in bed.
"Li Chu’s current school base is closed. Will our children have no place to learn later?"
"Don’t worry, the country won’t allow it to be like this all the time."
"Alas," Ding Qiunan sighed. She didn’t know what was going on now. Although she was safer than when she was a child, she was not that kind of shuddering, but she was also worried. In particular, there were many people who opened their mouths and shut up every day, which made her feel at a loss.
Be careful when chatting with others outside, and you are afraid that if you say something wrong, you will be in trouble.
She can silently pray from the bottom of her heart that this day will pass as soon as possible
Li Chu turned to look at her silent wife and stretched out her hand to smooth her tight frown.
"Don’t worry about me."
At the same time, he sighed for ten years.
I sent the child to the general hospital early the next day.
First, I called the manager of the department store, and then I told Uncle Lin that he came to the department store by bike.
Manager Chang may have told the doorman that after Li Chu came, the doorman pointed him to a place and let him pass directly.
When Li Chu walked into the office, Manager Chang looked at Dr. Li for a long time and didn’t think straight.
"Dr. Li, what are you …?" Manager Chang pointed to Li Chushen’s military uniform.
"Oh, manager Chang, we haven’t seen each other for a year. I’ve been transferred to the general hospital and officially joined the army."
"Oh, congratulations, Dr. Li, this is a good thing!"
"Thank you, thank you, Manager Chang"
Before he was in his fifties, the general manager of this department store went to see a doctor through someone else. Li Chu treated him with three by five and divided by two, and cured him of prostate problems that had plagued him for many years.
In fact, this disease is not difficult to treat. Li Chu alone knows that there are several Chinese medicine doctors who can cure it. The problem is that the manager is not qualified enough to invite others to see him.
Can you find his door or ask someone to ask someone to ask for it?
Manager Chang didn’t know the importance of a good doctor until he was ill. He told him privately that he had maintained a good job and introduced several patients to him.
He’s sick. You have to say how much it hurts. That’s not true, but it’s disgusting.
It’s not clean, especially in summer, and the strange smell makes him embarrassed to meet people.
He was cured by Li Chu’s three or five medicines, and he felt passionate and hesitant, and the river was endless
After sitting, Li Chu directly said what he had come for when he didn’t delay.
Manager Chang thought for a moment and simply agreed.
"Dr. Li, this is simple. We just have two other establishments here. I’ve been covering it. You can bring people here at any time."
Li Chu couldn’t help but swear in his heart.
He is ready to let Jia Yuan work as a temporary worker first, and then slowly look for an opportunity to become a full member. I didn’t expect the manager to be more powerful because he has a preparation.
"Oh, thank you so much, Manager Chang."
Manager Chang smiled and waved his hand. "You’re welcome, Dr. Li. I just have indicators. If there is no such thing, there is no way to work as a temporary worker first."
It’s a lot easier for Li Chuxin to solve the big problem.
Take out a small medicine bottle from his pocket and put it on the manager’s desk
"Manager Chang, this is some medicine I made myself. It’s our man’s refueling. You can try it, but you can take one pill at most in three days."
With Li Chu’s words, the manager’s eyes kept popping up and he stretched out his hand and fished the medicine bottle on the table into his hand.
"Haha, I know that Dr. Li is also!"
"The manager is always good, but never be greedy."
"Don’t worry, Dr. Li, I will definitely pay attention."
It seems that the impatient manager Chang can’t wait to try it now.
Li Chu took leave at the right time and said that he would bring people here in these two days.
After coming out of the department store, he didn’t go back to the hospital, but rode his bike and ran directly to Li Qin.
Tell my sister the good news so that she can feel at ease.
I came to the neighborhood office where Li Qin’s office door was open and I was writing something on my desk.
Li Chu didn’t knock at the door and went straight in.
Hearing footsteps, Li Qin looked up and saw that it was his younger brother. It was a little strange to let go of the pen and asked, "Why didn’t you come to my place early in the morning?"
"Of course, it’s a good thing that Jiayuan has done it." He didn’t sell it.
Li Qin "swish" up "so fast? What do people say? "
"That must be quick. You didn’t see who did the work." Li Chu gloated and sat down in the chair in front of her sister’s desk
"Sister, pour me a glass of water and I’ll give you good news."
"Virtue should command me." Li Qin gave his brother a dirty look, but he went over and poured him a glass of water.
"Go ahead, what’s the good news?" Li Qin asked anxiously, putting the cup in front of him.
"Elder sister, you’d never believe that I have a direct job search for Jiayuan."
"What did you say?" Come and lean on the desk. Li Qin straightened up instantly.
"Uh-huh, you heard me right. Temporary workers don’t leave with the establishment."
Li Qin repeatedly confirmed that he finally believed that he had heard it right.
It’s crazy, isn’t it? She never dared to think of it.
Even if she or Wang Wen comes forward, she is a temporary worker.
"How did you do that?"
"Well, there are just two establishments in the hands of the manager, otherwise I can’t do it."
"Very good, very good. Thank God my heart can finally be released."
The department store is now a very good unit. How many people want to work as temporary workers can’t find a way? If you go here, you can directly establish it. What is there to say?
"Come on, I won’t talk to you here. Remember to tell my brother-in-law and then get rid of Jiayuan’s business quickly. I’ll lead the past report."
"No problem, just this half a day."
We must save big sleep quickly.
Li Qin suddenly said, "Little Chujie, thank you."
Chapter three hundred Drug testing
Go to the door Li Chuding footsteps turned around and looked at Li Qin "elder sister, what are you talking to me here? Do you want us to put it here and talk about who is thanking who? "
"Come on, come on, let’s go." Li Qin smiled and waved, just like driving away flies.
That’s right. Li Chu smiled and turned to leave.
I was brought up by my sister. At that time, my parents were busy to death. My sister did all his clothes and meals since childhood.
His affection for Li Qin is that of a mother and a sister. If you want to thank him for this, he should say thank you, which may last forever.
In the office, Li Qin watched his younger brother leave, and his face became more and more smiling. He raised his hand and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

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