I look at her. "This is not a matter of doing things. I won’t explain it to you. When you turn around, you will yell at me twice! Hurry up and help me in the past. It’s time for the third master to wait. "


As soon as the door was opened, Third Master wobbled in and grabbed my hand. "Brother … third brother is wrong, third brother is wrong … I was wrong. I believe you. I absolutely believe you. You can’t ignore whether you give me a face?"
I looked at him. "Does Third Brother have a headache?"
"It doesn’t hurt now," he gasped in shock. "I’m not afraid of death, but I have a wife and children at home. No matter who wants to mess with me and let him come at me, I’m not afraid. I can’t bring my family …"
I waved a hand to him to stop saying, "Don’t worry, this is not about your family, but if you have a good family, what do you rely on?" Don’t worry, let’s sit down and talk slowly. "
Third Master nodded and took my arm from Ye Huan. "Miss Ye, let me do it!"
Ye Huan took a look at me and gently retreated to one side.
We came to the living room, sat in Ye Huan, made two cups of tea and brought them to us.
"Did you see the Yin soldiers?" I pushed the tea in front of him.
He wiped his forehead sweat. "Maybe. Have you seen evil? Have you ever seen such evil? A group of dark shadows are hovering around our house with swords and swords in their hands. Lin Zhuo, you have to help me with those things. They can’t harm my family!"
"Those are not real Yin soldiers, but the illusion caused by the town things," I said calmly. "If you hadn’t stopped you and Xiao Ning that night, these Yin soldiers would have rushed into your house today."
"Didn’t you say they were illusions? Why did they come to my house?" Three yes a surprised.
"They’re evil spirits, and they turn into illusions, that is, Yin soldiers." I said, "Third brother, you are a blessed person, and there are many valuables in your house. Those evil spirits can penetrate into it a little bit. If you slept with Xiao Ning that day, you will also be exposed to evil spirits. Then the two evil spirits will be inside each other, and the Feng Shui array arranged by the other side will quickly catch you off guard."
"Forget it," he looked at me seriously. "I won’t ask Lin Zhuo about it. I want to know who the fuck is trying to hurt me by such poisonous means!"
I thought for a moment and sighed lightly. "Third brother, don’t ask this person. It will make you sad …"
43 thinking differences
"Tell me, it’s better to be sad than to block your heart." He blazing with anger
I glanced at him. "Brother San, I’m not sure if it’s that person until the end. Don’t force me. It doesn’t matter who this person is. What matters now is to do this well for four days. I can’t afford to delay."
"Well," he nodded. "By the way, did you get the red envelope?"
"Did you hit my salary card?"
"Yeah, didn’t you get it?"
I looked at the phone from Ye Huan’s hand and said "No".
Third Master froze. "That’s not right. I asked little Liu Qu to do it before I came. Wait for me to call him first!"
I stopped him. "Third brother, stop it. She can’t do it today. You have to do it yourself. Others can’t handle it. Well, I have to take a day off. You can come back in the afternoon. Let’s go to the company first and then go to your house. It will be easy to find those key objects."
"All right," Third Master got up. "You raise me first … hey, Lin Zhuo, I won’t see those things when I go back, will I?"
I smiled faintly. "Let the family go out to avoid it. Let Li Xiaoning accompany you home for the night tonight and ask her to keep you from seeing those things."
"Oh," he nodded. "Okay, I’ll call her later."
I hold the sofa up. "Third brother, you should go to class as usual today. Don’t let people think that you have an accident. Everything should be the same as usual. You tell Xiao Ning to take the play with you. If you are scared, you can sleep in the same bed, but you’d better not …"
Three yes a bitter smile "this all this time and the idea? Oh, but this play is a problem. She was almost worn by tourist trap two days ago. I’m afraid it won’t work if she wears it again. "
"If you can’t, you have to. Anyway, I told you what to do. Third brother, it’s up to you."
Third Master thought for a moment, "I’ll find a way to do this, then you can rest. Lao Zhou is still waiting for me. I’ll go to the company first."
I gave Ye Huan a wink, and she nodded. "I’ll send you if San Ye Lin Zhuo can’t move easily."
Third Master didn’t refuse. "Then I’ll leave and I’ll drive to pick you up in the afternoon."
I nodded. "Good!"
After another day’s rest, I was completely ill and my physical strength returned to normal. I tried the air resistance and it seemed to be much thicker than before, but since Ye Huan has become my assistant, I don’t think about repairing it.
"Lin Zhuo, what on earth are you going to do about this? Do you want to make a bottom with me first? I’m also a little psychologically prepared." Ye Huan looked at his watch. "It is estimated that they will arrive in a few minutes. Please tell me about it first."
I opened her bag and counted the objects. "Red copper compass, cinnabar gourd, five-color red line and … have you repaired enough?"
"Don’t worry, twenty-five town magic charms, twelve seven-star charms and one body double charm are all fixed according to your charm." She pulled me. "Hey, did you hear what I just said? Can’t you talk to me first? Carrying so many charms is like going to destroy the town, but it is like catching ghosts! "
I look at her "catch a ghost? It would be easy if it were that simple. "
"Then what shall we do?" She looked at me, "What is the other party?"

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桑拿夜网品茶论坛 首先,位于新开铺路786号的“21味·院”是一家集茶艺、餐饮、棋牌娱乐于一体的综合性茶馆。在这里,你可以一边欣赏烟波浩渺的江面美景,一边品味各种创意融合菜。茶馆内的环境古典雅致,尽显东方古韵之美。套餐中包含高端茶水棋牌娱乐、庭院3-4人餐以及2楼和3楼的江景包厢6-8人餐和商务包厢8-10人餐,满足不同人数和需求的顾客。 其次,长沙望城区的“汉阳店”是当地非常有名的茶馆之一。它位于东湖生态旅游风景区内,环境优雅,安静宜人。作为长沙望城区百年老茶馆“九隆”的翻新之作,汉阳店保留了传统茶楼的风貌,同时提供了各种精致的茶叶和茶具。在这里,你可以尽情享受一段悠闲的品茗时光。 此外,位于长沙市中心的“火宫殿”也是一处不可错过的江景茶馆。火宫殿历史悠久,是长沙的中华老字号。这里的早茶文化丰富,不仅有广式早茶的糖包、肉包等面点,还有长沙特色的糖油粑粑、臭干子等小吃。在这里,你可以一边品茶,一边感受长沙的市井生活。 最后,值得一提的是位于长沙市望城区的“汉口店”。这家茶馆规模宏大,总面积达25000平方米,是武汉市面积最大的综合性茶城之一。汉口店坐落在汉口江滩旁,交通便利。茶馆内经营红茶、绿茶、花茶、乌龙茶、普洱茶等茶叶,以及各种茶具和茶叶礼品。桑拿夜网品茶论坛 总之,长沙江景茶馆以其独特的地理位置和深厚的文化底蕴,吸引了众多茶客。无论是想要品尝正宗的湘式早茶,还是想要在江景中品味一杯香茗,这些茶馆都是不错的选择。不妨在忙碌的生活中,给自己一段悠闲的时光,来长沙江景茶馆,感受这座城市的魅力。



随着夏季的到来,长沙的气温逐渐攀升,人们纷纷寻找消暑纳凉的好去处。桑拿作为一种独特的休闲方式,不仅能驱除湿气,还能帮助人们放松身心。今天,就为大家推荐长沙几大桑拿胜地,让你在炎炎夏日里尽享清凉。 一、长沙阳光天地桑拿城 长沙阳光天地桑拿城位于长沙市芙蓉区,是长沙地区颇具规模的桑拿场所之一。这里环境优雅,设施齐全,拥有多种桑拿类型,包括干蒸、湿蒸、盐蒸、药浴等。此外,还有舒适的休息区,提供免费茶水、水果和小吃,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,也能得到充分的休息。 二、长沙万达广场桑拿中心 位于长沙市雨花区的万达广场桑拿中心,是长沙市区内知名的桑拿场所。该中心设备先进,桑拿种类丰富,包括干蒸、湿蒸、石板浴等。此外,还设有专业的按摩区,提供中式按摩、泰式按摩等多种按摩服务,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,也能得到身心的放松。 三、长沙海天大酒店桑拿中心 长沙海天大酒店桑拿中心位于长沙市岳麓区,是一家集住宿、餐饮、桑拿为一体的综合性酒店。这里的桑拿设施齐全,包括干蒸、湿蒸、盐蒸、药浴等多种桑拿类型。桑拿中心环境舒适,服务周到,是商务人士和家庭休闲的理想选择。 四、长沙华联购物中心桑拿城 位于长沙市天心区的华联购物中心桑拿城,是长沙市区内的一家大众化桑拿场所。这里价格亲民,设施齐全,提供干蒸、湿蒸、盐蒸等多种桑拿服务。桑拿城环境干净整洁,服务热情周到,是市民夏日休闲的好去处。 五、长沙国际会展中心桑拿城…