From different medicine gardens on the second floor of the Medicine Temple to the third floor, different positions appear.


The three great practitioners are all thirty people, and Yun Fan is alone.
On the third floor of the Medicine Temple, Yunfan’s eyes were attracted by the’ condensed fruit tree’ in the center of the Medicine Garden, and the golden fruit was exactly what he dreamed of.
The eyes of the three major practitioners were also locked in the center of the medicine garden for the first time, and the eyes of the fruit trees were uplifting one by one.
The vast majority of them are younger generations who have returned to the peak of the Yuan Dynasty. It is precisely because they need to’ coagulate the true elixir’ to attack the true elixir and get the condensed fruit. When they get out of the mysterious realm of medicine, they can find a Chinese pharmacist to refine it into’ coagulate the true elixir’ and soon break through the true elixir realm.
The medicine garden is very big, and the three great practitioners didn’t expect anyone to break into the medicine temple regardless of Duan Xing’s rules. The third layer of attention was attracted by the’ Ningzhenling Fruit Tree’ in the center of the medicine garden, and Yun Fan was not noticed for the first time.
It wasn’t until I saw the Ningzhenling fruit tree for a few times that a Ganyuan Sect warrior discovered Yun Fan Avenue "There are others breaking in!"
Dry yuan cult fighters look stunned Duan Xingwen set the rules in public, and someone broke into the third floor of the medicine temple. Is it true that someone is not afraid of death?
All eyes all looked at Yunfan in the past.
Even the practitioners of Gankun and Tianyuan education looked at Yun Fan with amazing eyes. Now Ganyuan education is the first force in Ganyuan mainland. Duan Xing’s tattoo and Ganyuan’s younger brother set the rules, but some people don’t follow it.
It’s amazing. Isn’t this man even afraid of the threat of Ganyuan Sect?
Yun Fan sensed the eyes of the three major religions and looked at them. Yun Fan’s eyes were sharp and’s eyes were finally right.
Duan Xingwen’s eyes are the most sharp.
He was livid and unhappy.
In the mysterious environment of Ganyuan Sect’s genius brother medicine, Ganyuan Sect’s fighters first set rules for the fighters across the hall and factional forces. Actually, some people dare to violate it. This is not to look at his Duan Xingwen, let alone Ganyuan Sect.
Duan Xingwen’s sharp eyes watched Yun Fan walk out of the dry yuan cult fighters and look angry
Yun Fan eyes Duan Xingwen is far relative.
Yun Fan knew Duan Xingwen was angry, but Yun Fan was afraid.
Duan Xingwen shouted, "What’s your name and which sect brother?"
Yun Fan said, "Red Moon sends red spirits!"
The smell of the three great practitioners is even more surprising … This man turned out to be a factional power brother!
The factional forces were created by the spiritual sea master, and the spiritual sea master was the real brother in Ganyuan Sect!
This shows that the gap is huge.
The return of the three great practitioners to Yun Fan is the result of the unexpected identity of Yun Fan, the younger brother of a certain rank power.
If they know that Yun Fan is a false identity, I’m afraid his sect will be shocked to the ground.
Isn’t it bold for a factional brother to dare to regard Ganyuan as a genius brother to set rules?
All fighters are shocked.
Duan Xingwen cold drink a way: "What a red moon sect! How dare a small group of disciples disobey my Duan Xingwen’s rules? What do you want to do on the third floor of the medicine temple? Want to-find-die? "
For Duan Xingwen’s fierce Yun Fan, he looked calm and said, "I’m talking and laughing. I’m a top fighter in Yuan territory who came to the third floor of the medicine temple. Of course, it’s a’ condensed fruit’."
Duan Xingwen shouted, "The rules are clearly set outside the temple of Shaoyao. Who dares to step into the third floor of the temple of Shaoyao to kill you? Do you want to die?"
Yun Fan ha ha smiled. "If Ge has nothing to kill me, can I pick some’ condensed fruits’?"
Yun Fan calm makes Duan Xingwen excited. It seems very awkward, just like punching cotton power and not being able to vent. It’s a little uncomfortable.
Duan Xingwen was extremely angry and laughed. "What did you say? I have nothing to kill you? "
Yun Fan nodded and looked very serious.
Dry yuan teach practitioners are a face of fierce looking at Yun Fan, they think Yun Fan calm is disrespectful and disdainful to dry yuan teach.
Gankun and Tianyuan fighters are watching Yun Fan with great interest and want to know what makes a faction fighter so confident before Duan Xingwen.
Duan Xingwen was outraged by Yun Fan’s attitude and shouted, "I’ll stab you with one finger!"
Exalting Duan Xingwen’s body rushed forward, his legs pushed to the ground, and his body dialed up and burst into a surge, which was more than the momentum of his right hand stretching out a finger and pointing.
Yi zhi ding gan Kun
Ganyuan teaches Wushu-definitely dry finger!
The finger burst out and turned into a huge finger, which was dozens of feet long and blasted into the cloud sail with terrorist power.
Xuan Yue’s handprint!
Yun Fan look afraid body qi broke out a clap.
A huge handprint hits the middle of the finger collision in an instant.
When it exploded, the huge finger was broken layer by layer.
Xuan Yue’s handprint continues to shoot Duan Xingwen, and the air ahead compresses air billow Pentium like an avalanche.
Duan Xingwen frightened hurriedly back to the rear.

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