Zhai Ling looked at Tang Yugen without a trace of anger and fear for Tang Yu at the moment. He looked at Tang Yu calmly and said, "If you stop me, you want to express your so-called attitude. I think you are mistaken! I’m not in the mood! "


Zhai Lingyin was calm and calm, which made Tang Yu feel that this was an insult.
Short of breath, Tang Yu’s eyes flashed a fierce look. He is an elite student of Donglin Academy. Killing a civilian will not be affected.
Is this vicious?
And Tang Yu is bent on venting his anger, and he won’t kill you this kid if he doesn’t wish it.
Zhailing smiled at the corners of his mouth, but it was a mockery. He saw the change of each other’s look and guessed that the other side was going to be a little cold. Suddenly, no one noticed it in this piece.
When Tang Yu punched hard, Zhai Ling’s calm face flashed with white light.
Even the rush to save Zhai Ling Zhu Zi days is one leng familiar with the light.
That’s a sword light
Very bright sword light
This barren Gobi is very ruthless!
The sword light is very casual, as if it were integrated into this crazy sand that tries to make waves again.
In Tang Yu’s surprised and frightened eyes, the blood flowers surged up quickly, and the thick scent of blood floated in the blood fog, but it was instantly submerged in the sand.
And Tang Yu, who was injured by carelessness, disappeared instantly.
There is no trace left in the raging sand!
Zhai Ling put away surprise is a sigh, because the sword didn’t really kill Tang Yu, actually let him make the means to run away.
But if it weren’t for Tang Yu’s underestimation of Zhai Ling, the sword would never achieve the effect of seriously injuring Tang Yu.
I wish the sky was stunned and still kept running to move.
Although he is confident that he can take the sword just now, he is still surprised that Zhai Ling can use such a skilled move.
"Genius! So small can … "
Suddenly remind of what I wish for a day hurriedly to Zhai Ling disappeared back shouted "friend! Brother! Dude! Wait for me! "
Chapter 17 The night is full of fire
Soul Moon Mountain, or "Dragon Hidden Land", is the title of the latter, but few people know it now.
It is said that a real dragon appeared tens of thousands of years ago and came to this mountain range. It was never found by several practitioners, and even a trace of dragon was not found.
After a long time, it was forgotten by the senior fix true person.
But for Zhai Ling, the doubts brought by the Soul Moon Mountains are still deep.
What, even those who fix the truth at Li Re evil’s level have to come here to look for something?
What’s the sudden appearance of the Excalibur? Has it never been discovered by anyone for so many years?
"There must be some secret here!" Zhai Ling looked at the lush ancient trees in front of him, and gave birth to a strange feeling in his heart, but he finally stepped over.
This is the Soul Moon Mountain Range!
I finally came!
Clouds of smoke rose not far away, and the fire was mixed with crackling and exploding. I wish the pheasant that I just caught was grilled with great interest, and my mouth was still shouting happily-
"I said Zhai brothers, are you really a dusty student? The guy there is not as good as your fencing! It’ s amazing. That idiot never thought that the Brotherhood was so powerful. It’ s estimated that he’ s already crying in the toilet. Haha! "
For ZhuTouTian so repeatedly follow yourself, Zhai Ling also can endure, he is willing to follow with him!
In the communication with Zhu Zitian before, Zhai Ling also knew that Zhu Zitian came from the fight in the Virtual Heaven Academy, and came out for a walk during the holiday. As a result, he had a conflict with Tang Yu of Donglin Academy.
At the moment, in the face of smiling, Zhai Ling also smiled gently, without explaining much.
This brief exchange also made Zhai Ling feel the wish for heaven and man. Except for the occasional mouth full of address unknown, he is still quite true.
Zhai Ling also hasn’t been so relaxed for a long time, but most of the time he just listens to Zhu Laotian. After all, he is no longer working hard as he used to.
The dark night has spread to the sky, and there are countless stars in the cold wind, and there is no trace of shaking. It is stable and the composition implies mysterious patterns.
Through the high gray-black stone wall and narrow iron window, the bright moonlight just slanted in and fell magnificently, which also happened to fall on the weak young man lying on the ground covered with injuries.
Keep your eyes closed as if you were dead.
You can see the erosion of flesh and blood in the moonlight, especially in the gully-like knife marks on your face. Obviously, this injury has been completely repaired.
The unkempt hair has not been washed for a long time, and it smells like a bad smell.
Jinyuan just closed his eyes like a dead dog.
"Xiao Yuan …"
A gentle call to the prison sounded tired and full of guilt.
Jinyuan moved but didn’t immediately open his eyes as if he didn’t want to let go of a precious time to rest.
For a moment, Jin Yuancai slowly opened his eyes, slowly tilted his head and looked at the corner of the room in the shadows, where he was curled up with a more awkward figure than him.
This is naturally his father-Jin Rong.
Jin Rong moved and started as if he had done his best. Every step needed to take a deep breath.
"I may not be able to hold on!"
Already used to calm Jinyuan, the pupil shrank slightly and looked at his father at this moment, and then a panic filled the dull eyes.
"I’ll let you out. I will!" One word after another slowly and slightly jumped out of Jin Rong’s mouth, which also comforted Jinyuan’s panic
"Longitudinal sabre meaning south day chu river qianfeng! Remember these ten words! Be sure to remember to find the lantern seller in North Street … "
Jinyuan frowned and looked up at Jin Rong with pain. He couldn’t figure out why or what these ten words were, but he still tried his best to remember them.
Is it what he wants most … or will he be able to escape?
That should be the best chance at breakfast. Will it be this time?
For a long time and a half, the hoarse voice of Jinyuan slowly sounded "I remember" and I didn’t go to Guan Jinrong’s crazy apology. I was lying on the cold floor and staring at the moon outside the iron window. There is no time like he saw the moon tonight.
"So beautiful with red eyes …"
The night wind is very cool, and this coldness is obviously different from the feeling in the town with the wildness in the mountains.
Zhai Ling tightened his collar and changed his position. There was a sound of leaves falling in the tree’s ear.
In such a dense and prosperous bush, the moonlight falls hard, swaying in the evening breeze with a hint of coldness.
The jungle looks particularly deep when there is no light in all directions, and occasionally a few green eyes pass by.
It’s quiet here except the wind.
Zhai Ling suddenly opened his eyes a little different from the cold wind, which is spreading rapidly, and Zhailing smelled a bloody smell.
It’s horrible!
Don’t wait for Zhai Ling to open his mouth and wake up. I wish you a happy day and immediately turn over and sit up with a serious look at Zhai Ling.
"Something is coming!"
Zhailing nodded and looked very serious.
You never know the bottom line of terror at night in the mountains!

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