It is preliminarily estimated that their purpose is to detect the world information such as ours, which is not only a precursor to the plot, but also a provocation to us. We must retaliate against them. "


After he finished speaking, another light ball asked, "Did we get the exact information of their language from the prisoners?"
For wizards who make their fortune by fighting against the outside world, they know exactly what the invasion steps are. Since others have reached out, there is a high probability that there is no peaceful coexistence, and it is natural and inevitable to obtain necessary information.
The white ball replied, "their souls are specially encrypted, and even if we use secret methods, we can get extremely incomplete information, while most of their body tissues have been modified in some way, which may be extremely misleading and can also reveal the details of the other race."
Others are not surprised by this.
Can be sent by the other side for reconnaissance.
These guys naturally undergo strict preparation.
It’s a problem to be able to get information simply.
However, it is impossible to say that there is no information at all, so another person asks, "What information can that verify?"
"It has been confirmed that the other party’s social and cultural framework is mainly composed of machinery, a kind of supernatural power, which is somewhat similar to Columbian who met before 17775, but different from Columbian who specializes in machinery, they also have a strong cultivation, saying that no one is more difficult to deal with, but they are by no means easy to deal with."
A ball of light in the corner that didn’t speak before muttered after listening; "Columbine … I remember that it was a creature who claimed to be silicon-based. Their numbers were almost absolute and their weapons were particularly powerful. Once they fought, our wizard world was badly hurt. You can put them together and compare them. It seems that this time the problem is not easy to solve."
The top light ball Nye said, "I really think it will be a tough opponent through the technical strength shown by these divers."
I have already contacted the crimson virtual to buy Ka Eun Lee’s information from these intelligence vendors, and I haven’t got a reply yet, and I don’t know if they have it. "
Another suggested, "But now that the other side has shown malice in facing this more threatening enemy, let’s sound the alert and prepare for a face-to-face battle."
Seeing that the opinions have been reached, colleagues are at the top of the ball, so there is nothing more to say and they agree with their ideas.
So less than five minutes before the discussion, the world mobilized before the war and the results came out.
From beginning to end, no one hesitated because the other side was unknown and powerful.
No one has thought about gain or loss.
Because they know very well that no matter what the result is, if they don’t make gestures with each other in the face of a hungry beast, they won’t talk. No matter what, it’s right to choose a fight first
The other side is powerful, otherwise they will not consider it.
What difficulties has the wizarding world not encountered for so many years?
Who can tell if you don’t draw two strokes?
So one instruction was reached by them.
After years of silence, the wizarding world has once again recovered from self-cultivation, and the war machine has turned like several battles hundreds of thousands of years ago and millions of years ago …
And say everything
Reality and Olga are a little better.
Olga has had his leisure time again since he ate the roast lizard head yesterday.
It is not his consideration how much trouble it can bring to hawthorne to delete the memory crystallization.
Anyway, whether the wizard world wins or the Ka Eun Lee world wins, he won’t lose.
War. What? He always likes it.
Those lizard people’s souls solidified by psionics may be a little difficult for wizards to deal with.
But the demon of Olga is definitely a top expert on the soul and is proficient in all kinds of eating methods!
Tricks like memory retrieval are even more capable for him.
It took a little time to successfully acquire all the memories of the lizard man named Glenwa from birth.
The name Ka Eun Lee Severn was even better understood by him.
It’s not impossible to spend some time running over to pretend to be a local by sending magic
It is also because of in-depth understanding
It seems to him that the wizarding world is very aggressive, and the Ka Eun Lee world is also very aggressive. Once it touches the first two, there is bound to be a war. This is a pleasure for him to see things and add a lot of fun to his life. I don’t know what to pack. Olga will specially give hawthorne some information so that he can take precautions before being attacked by them.
After all, how can a flash war work!
If you want to fight, you have to fight between the two armies.
It’s best to fight in the ground meat field to conform to the devil’s aesthetics
As he leisurely thought about what he could do, he vaguely felt a subtle wave emanating from the center of the world, as if he were searching for something, and all non-native creatures would be marked.
And in the face of this situation, Olga did not change his face and transferred the breath of the abyss contract.
With hawthorne this VIP soul mark.
At this moment, this soul mark is like a good citizen’s card, shouting that I am one of our own, and the slogan shields Olga, a foreigner.
Sololga was not affected by that fluctuation and looked at the sky unhurriedly.
There is a huge semi-transparent curtain coming down, which is about to cover the whole world like a huge glass cover.
He smiled and thought,’ It seems that the wizarding world is very decisive, even this kind of thing has moved. This is going to be done directly …’
Chapter 55 Wutuo Margo Wall
The window of the log cabin looks at the huge curtain falling slowly in the sky.
Char involuntarily opened his mouth and just wanted to exclaim. As soon as he turned around, he found himself. The old man’s mentor’s face was never so serious, and he became very serious from time to time, and he was no longer in tune.
He was puzzled and asked, "What’s the matter with you?"
After years of getting along, he has become his mentor Todd. Although there is something wrong with his brain circuit, he is really good, and he does treat each other as a teacher from the heart.
Faced with his doubts, Todd said grumpily, "This is the wall around the world. The wizard world treasure was founded in the initial stage of the world expansion period, and it has been one of the most important defense means in this world since ancient times."
Looking at hearing this, Char looked confused. He couldn’t help rolling his eyes. He thought that this young people’s knowledge preparation was not good. It seems that they have to make up for it with hellish education. So he explained again that "in addition, it has a name [War Notice], which means that when it falls, it means that the wizard world and the whole world have entered a state of war."
Charlton was shocked and exclaimed, "State of war!"
Hearing this word, he instantly knew what he was going to face.
There is usually one reason why the wizarding world has entered a state of war, and that is to go to war with other worlds.
Moreover, this time things came so suddenly that there was no sign of preparation. There is a great probability that the other world will provoke itself and others, and I am afraid that it will be possible to deal with the menacing enemy soon.
This is definitely not good news for a wizard apprentice like him who has not yet started his career.
He may not even have a chance to live on the battlefield for a second.
In similar events in history, his chicken dishes were all hung up in droves, and even a bubble could not emerge. At best, it was just a number of people killed.
Looking at the white face, Char, although his teacher was also very flustered, despised the chain tour, and he automatically left his pie mouth to express his disdain for him.
Touching his head and getting yellow, a few white hairs Todd said, "I’m not so afraid. Unless the war enters a state of emergency, most of you apprentices will also do some logistics. If you go to the front battlefield, you won’t be able to solve all of you with the aftermath of the strong fight."
Having said that, he really wanted to fight face to face, and then the place would be safe. There is no lack of history in the wizard world, when the population died.

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